What are we all playing this weekend?
This week, for the first time in a long time, I stayed up way past my bedtime playing a video game. I had left weird abiogenesis idle clicker The Barnacle Goose Experiment running in the background for a few days, dithering a bit any time I stumbled back across the browser tab, until one day it hit me. I don't remember what it was, but one discovery was so strange and exciting that I then sat there for four hours, thinking "I'll go to bed when this result comes in", and then. Woof. I am now far too old to stay up past my bedtime playing video games, and am still tired. Anyway! What are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're clicking on!

Alice Bee
I've gotten even betterer at Hardspace: Shipbreaker, although I haven't had as much time to clock in recently. I'm also going to make time to play more Betrayal At Club Low, because it's our game club game this month, and our podcast this week made me want to give Alice: Madness Returns a whirl. I remember thinking it looked lovely, but I remember a lot of things. It's on Game Pass, though!
I'm vanishing into the Highlands for a week to climb hills, touch moss, swear at views, swim in new waters, and coo over lambs. Have you seen this year's lambs? Possibly the most precious lambs ever. The teeny babies are the teeniest, their frolicking is the most chaotic, and the burly teenagers are the most rambunctious. I've yet to see any lamb parkour this year but I bet it's the stuntiest. So if I'm playing anything, it'll be Slice & Dice on my phone.
I'm going to spend some quality time with my new Steam Deck! I tried out LAD: Ishin via Remote Play the other day and had my mind blown, it's ridiculous that we've gone from Game Boys and PSPs to this, isn't it? I also invested in a third-party dock, so I'm hoping I can remote play to my TV and like, not be at my work desk when playing cool PC games. I'm looking forward to getting stuck into Resident Evil 4 properly and exploring some of the forgotten bits of my library.
Gaming time is short this weekend, because I'm going to two Magic: The Gathering prerelease events for the new March of the Machines set. For those unfamiliar, a prerelease event is where you open packs of the new set and use your pulls to make a 40-card deck, before playing in a short tournament. My pals and I have all promised that none of us will look at recommended prerelease builds early, so we're all supposedly going in blind. Do I trust them? I'm really not sure. Anyway, wish me luck!
I've just started a new playthrough of Ghostwire: Tokyo (as seen on Game Pass!), and am taking a more relaxed, sidequest-enriched approach than I did the first time. So far I've ignored saving my sister in favour of exorcising a bathhouse and rescuing a zashiki-warashi from the history's greatest evil, a landlord.
is on her hols!
Ah, I love the weekend after a four-day work week. It almost feels like you've cheated the system, somehow. Especially when the sun has finally decided to grace Newcastle with a few measly rays. Measly they may be, but after months of overcast nothingness, I'll take all the vitamin D I can stuff into my cells thank you very much. All this is to say I probably won't be playing many games this weekend. I will, however, continue picking away at Dredge on the Steam Deck because it's very very good. You can find out more of my thoughts on next week's episode of Indiescovery. Promoting my own podcast in a wappa article, am I? Shameless. Embarrassing.
As well as the usual hopping into Apex Legends whenever the map rotation gives us Olympus (all hail Olympus), I've started to dip into Fortnite again for the first time in several years. Despite my firm belief that the building in Fortnite is fantastic and it's stupid that people are loving No Build mode so much, I'm now one of those stupid people loving No Build mode. It's a much easier way to get back into the game after years away, without having to worry about the extra keybinds for placing floors and walls and stairs. I'm kicking ass so far - last game I played, I got a 15-kill win. I also take some secret joy in the fact that all my skins and emotes are from so much earlier in Fortnite's lifetime that most of the players I'm encountering have probably never even seen them before.
is away!
I'm off for most of next week visiting family, so here's what I'll be playing not only over the weekend, but on my mini-holiday too! I finished Danganronpa 2 over the bank holiday, so now I get to dive into lovely post-game modes and peacefully hang out with characters who've been dead for most of the main story. And if that doesn't quite do it for me as an antidote to the undeniable canonical melancholy of most of my favourite franchises, I've got the unofficial Life Is Strange alternate-universe visual novel Love Is Strange cued up for afterwards.
But you, reader dear, what are you playing this weekend?