Sons of the Forest flashlight: How to get a flashlight
Learn where to find a flashlight in Sons of the Forest
Looking for a flashlight in Sons of the Forest? Sons Of The Forest is a survival horror game, and it loves to throw you into the dark. Whether you're lost at night, or trying to find key items in a cave, you'll need something to light the way. While you start with a small lighter, you can quickly upgrade to get the flashlight, which makes it much easier to see in the dark.
In this guide, we'll break down how to get the flashlight in Sons of the Forest, so that you can see better at night and in dark caves.
How to get a flashlight in Sons of the Forest
To find the flashlight in Sons of the Forest, you must go to the location marked on the image below. It is the purple icon found towards the center of the map, near the snowy mountain.

When you arrive, follow the path up the cliff and follow the beeping noise. You will come to the rock pictured above, which has a rope tied around it.
Use your axe to cut the rope, and then take the path back down and follow the beeping noise once again. This should lead you to the area directly below that rock, where you'll find a body. This body was hanging from the rope that you cut.
Approach the corpse and look around on the ground nearby to find the flashlight. It is not attached to the body, so it might be difficult to find, but cut the nearby grass away and keep searching to spot it.
The flashlight requires power, and will eventually run out of charge. You can see the current power level by equipping it, and looking for the bar on the side. Green indicates full power, while red shows that it is almost empty.
To recharge the flashlight, you can combine it with a battery in your inventory.

It's worth noting that this is the easiest flashlight to find, but not the only one available. If you want to find another flashlight, you must enter the cave where you get the shovel in Sons of the Forest.
As you navigate the cave to find the shovel (it's fairly linear, but there are plenty of enemies within), you'll eventually find a flashlight on a corpse.
Of course, this cave requires the Rebreather and the Rope Gun to fully explore, so we'd recommend just finding the flashlight marked with the GPS tracker above. This is far easier, and doesn't pit you against any enemies.
That wraps up our guide on how to get the flashlight in Sons of the Forest. If you're after more gear that's easy to find on your first day, learn how to get the modern axe in Sons of the Forest. If it's starting to get dark and you'd rather sleep until morning, make sure to learn how to make a tent in Sons of the Forest. If you've spent all day searching for items and forgot about your survival needs, take a look at our guide on how to get water in Sons of the Forest. You can also use Kelvin to find food, which is much easier than hunting yourself.