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RPS is hiring a News Editor, and applications are open now

Get your application in today

The RPS team is growing! We're looking for a News Editor to take our news coverage to the next level, and you can apply right here today to join the team.

Reporting on games and their communities, both before and after release, has become an increasingly important focus for the way we cover PC games at RPS, and this role will lead that daily and long-form coverage. You'll be writing multiple news stories per day, conducting your own investigations alongside that, and defining the overall strategy of our news coverage for other writers to follow.

You can find all the details, including a full list of the job's responsibilities, in the official job posting over on our sister site GamesIndustry.biz's job board. You can also apply through our parent company RX's careers page if you prefer. All applications end up in the same place - namely, my inbox - so it doesn't matter which one you use to apply.

This is a full-time, UK home-based role, with a yearly salary range of £28,000 - £30,000 based on experience.

When you apply, please include a CV AND a covering letter telling us why you'd be the best person for the role. I cannot stress this enough - please, please, please include a covering letter.

This is not an entry level role, so ideally you'll have some journalism or published news writing experience, and are looking to step up to a section editor role. What's most important, though, is that you're able to bring personality and reflection to your reporting, while also being clear and precise with the facts.

There's no fixed deadline for getting your application in, but we'll likely start arranging interviews toward the end of April or the first week of May, giving you a good couple of weeks to get your application in.

If all that sounds like your cup of tea, then head on over to the News Editor job listing and get applying. And if you have any further questions, please drop them in the comments below, or send me an email direct with the subject line [NEWS EDITOR Q]. Good luck!

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About the Author
Katharine Castle avatar

Katharine Castle


Katharine is RPS' editor-in-chief, which means she's now to blame for all this. After joining the team in 2017, she spent four years in the RPS hardware mines. Now she leads the RPS editorial team and plays pretty much anything she can get her hands on. She's very partial to JRPGs and the fetching of quests, but also loves strategy and turn-based tactics games and will never say no to a good Metroidvania.

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