Where to find all KK Investigation Notes in Ghostwire: Tokyo
Gather KK's investigation note collectables for a skill point boost, plus some extra lore!
Where can I find KK's investigation notes in Ghostwire: Tokyo? KK's investigation notes are a series of documents you can collect while exploring the world of Ghostwire: Tokyo. This spooky open world explore-a-thon was one of our favourite games of 2022 and has just hit Game Pass, so now's a great time to start hunting ghosts and collectables both!
Not only do KK's case notes make for interesting reading, there's a practical benefit to picking them up, too. Snagging one of these innocuous-looking documents nets Akito an instant 20 skill points — nothing to be sniffed at when upgrades on the skill tree get increasingly costly as you go on, and even levelling up only nets you 10 points at a time. To be absolutely clear, these aren't side missions: you don't need to do anything other than pick up the document to get the points, which makes them well worth seeking out by following our directions below.
KK's investigation note locations
There are 20 KK investigation notes to find in Ghostwire: Tokyo. That's a total of 400 skill points you can spend on upgrading Akito's abilities, so seeking them all out is well worth your time! Six can be bought from special relic-hunting Nekomata vendors across the city in exchange for a hefty sum of Meika, while the other 14 are found via exploration (much like relics). Read on for every individual KK investigation note location.
KK Investigation Note 1: "The Mystery of the Invisible Cat"

Purchase from the Luster-Loving Nekomata Stall (in the Kuo Shrine area) for 100,000 Meika.
KK Investigation Note 2: "The Cult of the Flying Cloth"
Purchase from the Musical Nekomata (in the Katsumi Shrine area) for 100,000 Meika.
KK Investigation Note 3: "The Sports Avenue Barker"
Purchase from the Japanophile Nekomata (in the Utagawa Shopping District area) for 100,000 Meika.
KK Investigation Note 4: "The Strange Case of the City Tengu"
Purchase from the Handicraft Nekomata (in the Shiroyama Shrine area) for 100,000 Meika.
KK Investigation Note 5: "The Nekomata and the Convenience Store"
Purchase from the Playful Nekomata (in the Yamaki Shrine area) for 100,000 Meika.
KK Investigation Note 6: "The Kappa and the Cucumber"
Purchase from the Occult Nekomata (in the Onten Shrine area) for 100,000 Meika.KK Investigation Note 7: "The Sewer Kid"

Found atop a box in KK's safehouse apartment, which you'll explore as part of a main mission objective in Chapter 2.
KK Investigation Note 8: "The King of the Loan Sharks"

Found in the immediate vicinity of the Yashin Shrine, obtainable when you unlock that area. The folder is atop a pile of building materials on the surface level of the construction site.
KK Investigation Note 9: "The Dancing Headless Students"

Just past the payphone directly north of the Kuo area rooftop shrine, the folder can be seen resting on a red bench in front of a rain shelter.
KK Investigation Note 10: "The Turbo Student"

While exploring the Shibuya Underground as part of a main mission objective in Chapter 2, investigate inside the arcade to find this folder on a red stool in front of a game cabinet.
KK Investigation Note 11: "The Kirigaoka Vanishing"
Investigate inside the building opposite the Nostalgic Nekomata stall (in the Hirokawa Shrine area). The folder is on a dining table opposite the TV in the back room.
KK Investigation Note 12: "The Marunouchi Vanishing"

Found in the Sengoku Center Building explored as a main mission objective in Chapter 3. The file is on a desk under the TV in the glass-enclosed meeting room just off the main newspaper office area.
KK Investigation Note 13: "The Jukai Soba Excavation"

While walking down the main street of the Utagawa Shopping District, find this file on an outdoor café table under a green parasol.
KK Investigation Note 14: "The Awakened AI"
Found in the taped-off apartment complex you investigate as a main mission objective in Chapter 3. This file can be retrieved from the resident mail lockers on the ground floor.
KK Investigation Note 15: "The Tengu Turf War"
Found inside the small building located directly between the Onten Shrine and the Occult Nekomata stall. The file is on a bench running the length of the building's outer wall.
KK Investigation Note 16: "The Ether Thief"
Found propped up against the doors of an elevator in the entranceway to the building directly north of the Shimokusa Shrine. (But note: this item technically falls within the Sakano Shrine area and is counted as such on the map.)
KK Investigation Note 17: "The Giant Teru Teru Bozu"
Found on a Kappagaike Torii Gate-area rooftop garden investigated as a main mission objective in Chapter 4. The file is propped up on a bench.
KK Investigation Note 18: "The Line at the Ramen Shop"
Found propped against the doors of the miniature shrine located right next door to the Tasui Shrine building proper.
KK Investigation Note 19: "The Overpriced Tickets"
Before climbing the steps leading to the Noto Shrine building, look to the right to find this file propped on the corner of a concrete planter next to some blue crates.
KK Investigation Note 20: "The Hyakki Yako"
Found in an off-map area only reached as part of the main story in Chapter 5. After the first boss fight, look inside the nearby hut to find this file on a counter between a tea set and a safe. (Note: This one is very easy to miss!)
Why has KK left his notebooks scattered all over Tokyo? Perhaps some mysteries are fated to remain unsolved. For questions with concrete answers, however, be sure to check out our other Ghostwire: Tokyo guides, such as our list of Ghostwire: Tokyo relic locations and Ghostwire: Tokyo Jizo statue locations.