Cyberpunk 2077 main story quests: How many acts are there?
Every quest in the main Cyberpunk 2077 story
How many quests are there in Cyberpunk 2077's main story? The Cyberpunk 2077 story is where the game truly shines, in spites of all its other faults. Comprised of several acts and chapters, each with multiple branching quests, it can be fairly tricky to figure out how far along into the story you are. Our Cyberpunk 2077 story quests list will walk you through exactly how many quests are in each section of the story, so you'll know how much there is left to do before you reach the end.
Spoilers follow, obviously. You've been warned.
How many acts are there in Cyberpunk 2077?
There are technically only two acts in the Cyberpunk 2077 story. The first act ends shortly after you see the Cyberpunk 2077 title flash up at the end of a certain pivotal quest. From there, technically, you're in the final act of the main story.
This is pretty misleading though. The second act is far, far larger than the first, and takes much longer to complete. If you really want to figure out how far into the Cyberpunk 2077 story you are, then you should consult the below story quests list. Here is every main mission in order, from prologue to ending:
All Cyberpunk 2077 main story quests:
Quest | No. | Act | Prerequisite: |
The Nomad The Street Kid The Corpo-Rat |
1 | Prologue | Begin new game |
Practice Makes Perfect | 2 | Prologue | The Nomad (1) The Street Kid (1) The Corpo-Rat (1) |
The Rescue | 3 | Prologue | Practice Makes Perfect (2) |
The Ripperdoc | 4 | Act 1 | The Rescue (3) |
The Ride | 5 | Act 1 | The Ripperdoc (4) |
The Pickup | 6 | Act 1 | The Ride (5) |
The Information | 7 | Act 1 | The Pickup (6) |
The Heist | 8 | Act 1 | The Information (7) |
Love Like Fire | 9 | Act 1 | The Heist (8) |
Playing For Time | 10 | Act 2 | Love Like Fire (9) |
Automatic Love | 11 | Act 2 | Playing For Time (10) |
The Space In Between | 12 | Act 2 | Automatic Love (11) |
Disasterpiece | 13 | Act 2 | The Space In Between (12) |
Double Life | 14 | Act 2 | Disasterpiece (13) |
M'ap Tann Pelen | 15 | Act 2 | Playing For Time (10) |
I Walk The Line | 16 | Act 2 | M'ap Tann Pelen (15) |
Never Fade Away | 17 | Act 2 | I Walk The Line (16) |
Transmission | 18 | Act 2 | Never Fade Away (17) |
Ghost Town | 19 | Act 2 | Playing For Time (10) |
Lightning Breaks | 20 | Act 2 | Ghost Town (19) |
Life During Wartime | 21 | Act 2 | Lightning Breaks (20) |
Down On The Street | 22 | Act 2 | Playing For Time (10) |
Gimme Danger | 23 | Act 2 | Down On The Street (22) |
Play It Safe | 24 | Act 2 | Life During Wartime (21) Gimme Danger (23) |
Search And Destroy | 25 | Act 2 | Play It Safe (24) |
Tapeworm | 26 | Act 2 | Automatic Love (11) Transmission (18) Life During Wartime (21) Search And Destroy (25) |
Nocturne OP55N1 | 27 | Act 3 | Search And Destroy (25) |
Last Caress (Ending Path A) | 28 | Act 3 | Nocturne OP55N1 (27) |
Totalimmortal (Ending Path A) | 29 | Act 3 | Last Caress (28) |
For Whom The Bell Tolls (Ending Path B) | 30 | Act 3 | Nocturne OP55N1 (27) |
Knockin' On Heaven's Door (Ending Path B) | 31 | Act 3 | For Whom The Bell Tolls (30) |
We Gotta Live Together (Ending Path C) | 32 | Act 3 | Nocturne OP55N1 (27) |
Forward To Death (Ending Path C) | 33 | Act 3 | We Gotta Live Together (32) |
Belly Of The Beast (Ending Path C) | 34 | Act 3 | Forward To Death (33) |
(Don't Fear) The Reaper (Ending Path D) | 35 | Act 3 | Nocturne OP55N1 (27) |
Changes (Ending Path B/C/D) | 36 | Act 3 | Knockin' On Heaven's Door (31) Belly Of The Beast (34) (Don't Fear) The Reaper (35) |
Where Is My Mind? (Ending A) | 37 | Epilogue | Totalimmortal (29) |
New Dawn Fades (Ending B) | 38 | Epilogue | Changes (36) |
All Along The Watchtower (Ending C) | 39 | Epilogue | Changes (36) |
Path Of Glory (Ending D) | 40 | Epilogue | Changes (36) |
We'll break all these quests down into their respective acts with more information below, so keep reading if you're confused by anything you've read so far.

Prologue quests
Here are all the main story quests in the Prologue:
- The Nomad/The Street Kid/The Corpo-Rat
- This mission is determined by your choice of Lifepath. After that, all the Lifepaths converge into the same questline.
- Practice Makes Perfect
- The Rescue
Act 1 quests
Here are all the main story quests in Act 1:
- The Ripperdoc
- The Ride
- The Pickup
- The Information
- The Heist
- Love Like Fire
Act 2 quests
Here are all the main story quests in Act 2:
- Playing For Time
After Playing For Time, there are four lines of quests that make up the first section of Act 2:
- Automatic Love -> The Space In Between -> Disasterpiece -> Double Life
- M'ap Tann Pelen -> I Walk The Line -> Never Fade Away -> Transmission
- Ghost Town -> Lightning Breaks -> Life During Wartime
- Down On The Street -> Gimme Danger
After completing all of these, you finish with the following quests:
- Play It Safe
- Search And Destroy
Act 3 + Epilogue quests
The ending commences with the quest Nocturne OP551N. At this point, you are warned that once you embark upon the mission Nocturne OP55N1, there's no going back until you finish the main story. So you'll want to complete any side-quests you want to complete now, before you trigger the start of this quest.
Because of the different endings available in Cyberpunk 2077, there are various different questlines to follow here depending on the choices you've made and will make:
- Nocturne OP551N > Last Caress > Totalimmortal > Where Is My Mind?
- Requires you to adhere to Hanako's plan.
- Nocturne OP551N -> For Whom The Bell Tolls > Knockin' On Heaven's Door > Changes > New Dawn Fades
- Requires you to adhere to Johnny's plan and choose Johnny during Changes.
- Nocturne OP551N -> For Whom The Bell Tolls > Knockin' On Heaven's Door > Changes > Path Of Glory
- Requires you to adhere to Johnny's plan and choose V during Changes.
- Nocturne OP551N -> We Gotta Live Together > Forward To Death > Belly Of The Beast > Changes > New Dawn Fades
- Requires you to complete all Panam's sidequests (ending with Queen Of The Highway), and then choose to contact Panam during the final quest). You then need to choose Johnny during Changes.
- Nocturne OP551N > We Gotta Live Together > Forward To Death > Belly Of The Beast > Changes > All Along The Watchtower
- Requires you to complete all Panam's sidequests (ending with Queen Of The Highway), and then choose to contact Panam during the final quest). You then need to choose V during Changes.
- Nocturne OP551N > (Don't Fear) The Reaper > Changes > New Dawn Fades
- Complete all Johnny-centric side quests (Chippin' In, Blistering Love, Holdin' On, A Like Supreme), and then refuse to choose while on the rooftop. Eventually Johnny suggests a new plan which leads to this questline. You then need to choose Johnny during Changes.
- Nocturne OP551N > (Don't Fear) The Reaper > Changes > Path Of Glory
- Complete all Johnny-centric side quests (Chippin' In, Blistering Love, Holdin' On, A Like Supreme), and then refuse to choose while on the rooftop. Eventually Johnny suggests a new plan which leads to this questline. You then need to choose V during Changes.
There you have it! That's every main quest in Cyberpunk 2077, so now you should have a good idea of how far in you are, and how much there is left to do in the main story. While you're here, you may want to consult our Cyberpunk 2077 romance options guide, as your choice of romance may have an impact on how you end your playthrough. To help you get through all these quests, you should also check out our guides on the different Cyberpunk 2077 weapons, the best Cyberpunk 2077 builds, and how to make money fast in Cyberpunk 2077. For everything else, look no further than our dedicated Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough hub.